
Textos em inglês – Cinema

Textos em inglês - ingles winner

Hello friends and welcome back to another post!

Hoje veremos mais um de nossos textos em inglês. Desta vez o texto é sobre cinema. Veremos também vocabulário sobre ele e algumas perguntas no final. Acompanhem a leitura para melhorar a pronúncia. So, let’s get started!


At the movie theater


I really enjoy going to the movies. I know what is coming out from watching the news but I will check the movie listings online to see where the films are playing. I prefer to go to a movie theater that isn’t too crowded.


I buy tickets online so that I don’t have to stand in line at the theater. Sometimes, the movie I want to see is sold out, so I have to buy a ticket for a later showing or at a different theater.


Once I get into the theater, I buy popcorn or chocolate and a drink at the concession stand. The prices are very high, but on Tuesdays there are free refills so if I take my family we share one popcorn and one soda.


Every theater has a lot of small screening rooms inside. There are always at least five different movies showing at any one theater. I hand my ticket to the usher who stands in front of the door of the screening room where the movie I want to see is playing.


I usually like to sit in the middle of the theater so that I can have the best view of the screen. I get very annoyed if other patrons talk during the movie, kick the back of my seat, or use their cell phones. Everyone should be able to enjoy the movie.


No cinema


Eu gosto muito de ir ao cinema. Eu sei o que vai estrear pois leio o jornal mas eu verifico a lista de filmes online para ver onde os filmes estão passando. Eu prefiro ir até um cinema que não esteja tão cheio.


Eu compro ingressos onlino para não precisar ficar na fila do cinema. Às vezes, os ingressos do filme que quero assistir estão esgotados, então preciso comprar para uma sessão mais tarde ou em um cinema diferente.


Uma vez que chego no cinema, eu compro pipoca ou chocolate e uma bebida na parte de comidas. Os preços são bem altos, mas nas terças-feiras tem refil de graça então eu levo minha família e nós dividimos uma pipoca e um refrigerante.


Todo cinema tem várias salas de projeção. Sempre tem ao menos cinco filmes passando ao mesmo tempo em cada cinema. Eu entrego meu ingresso para o lanterninha que fica na porta da sala de projeção onde o filme que quero ver está passando.


Eu normalmente sento no meio do cinema para ter a melhor vista do telão. Eu fico muito irritada se outros clientes falando durante o filme, chutam as costas da minha poltrona, ou usam celulares. Todos deveriam poder aproveitar o filme.




Coming out – being released. (Estreando)

Playing – showing. (Passando, filme que está passando)

Crowded – a lot of people. (Cheio de pessoas)

Online – on the internet. (Online, na internet)

In line – waiting in a group one in front of the other. (Na fila)

Sould out – no more tickets available. (Estogatos)

Concession stand – place in a theater selling food. (Local onde vendem comida no cinema)

Refills – second helping of food or drink. (Refil)

Share – more than one person can use the same item. (Dividir)

Screening rooms – small theater rooms inside a larger building. (Salas de projeção)

Showing – playing. (Passando)

Hand – give. (Dar)

Usher – person who keeps control of the theater. (Lanterninha)

Annoyed – angered. (Irritado, irritada)

Patrons – customers. (Clientes, consumidores)

Kick – hit with the foot. (Chutar)




How does the author know what movies are coming out?

  1. The newspaper.
  2. The internet.
  3. Friends.


How does the author buy tickets?

  1. Online.
  2. In line.
  3. At the concession.


What does the author like to buy at the theater?

  1. Tickets.
  2. Popcorn.
  3. Usher.


Who works at the movie theater?

  1. The usher.
  2. The author.
  3. The family.


What are problems at the movie theater?

  1. Free refills.
  2. Kicking the seat.
  3. The usher.




1, 1, 2, 1, 2.


Amigos, ficamos por aqui hoje. Temos vários textos em inglês para você acompanhar. Você pode conferir vários deles aqui no blog e no canal. Confira aqui uma leitura em inglês sobre fazer compras. Até a próxima!



(O texto a seguir é uma transcrição completa e sem edições do vídeo.)


At the movie theater. I really enjoy going to the movies. I know what is coming out from watching the news but I will check the movie listings online to see where the films are playing. I prefer to go to a movie theater that isn’t too crowded. I buy tickets online so that I don’t have to stand in line at the theater. Sometimes, the movie I want to see is sold out, so I have to buy a ticket for a later showing or at a different theater. Once I get into the theater, I buy popcorn or chocolate and a drink at the concession stand. The prices are very high, but on Tuesdays there are free refills so if I take my family we share one popcorn and one soda. Every theater has a lot of small screening rooms inside. There are always at least five different movies showing at any one theater. I hand my ticket to the usher who stands in front of the door of the screening room where the movie I want to see is playing. I usually like to sit in the middle of the theater so that I can have the best view of the screen. I get very annoyed if other patrons talk during the movie, kick the back of my seat, or use their cell phones. Everyone should be able to enjoy the movie. Vocabulary. Coming out – being released. Playing – showing. Crowded – a lot of people. Online – on the internet. In line – waiting in a group one in front of the other. Sould out – no more tickets available. Concession stand – place in a theater selling food. Refills – second helping of food or drink. Share – more than one person can use the same item. Screening rooms – small theater rooms inside a larger building. Showing – playing. Hand – give. Usher – person who keeps control of the theater. Annoyed – angered. Patrons – customers. Kick – hit with the foot. Questions. How does the author know what movies are coming out? A. The newspaper. B. The internet. C. Friends. How does the author buy tickets? A. Online. B. In line. C. At the concession. What does the author like to buy at the theater? A. Tickets. B. Popcorn. C. Usher. Who works at the movie theater? A. The usher. B. The author. C. The family. What are problems at the movie theater? A. Free refills. B. Kicking the seat. C. The usher.

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